Indonesian History Of Mental Health Nursing

Location in Tanjungsari

Date picture taken 13 October 2009 at 1 : 20 PM


# Principal theories of causation
Possession by evils Spirits, sorceres, ghosts
# Characteristic methods of helping
Magic, exorcism

# Principal theories of causation
supernatural forces and divine intervention, beginning of naturalistic
explanation of sickness
# Characteristic methods of helping
Observation replaces superstition;still mainly primitive physical
methods;start of humane treatment aproaches
# Contributions
( + ) Beginning of concern with humanity of individual
( - ) Continuation of confinement, little recognition of psychological or social

# Principal theories of causation
Possession by devils and sorcerers
# Characteristic methods of helping
Harsh, primitive methods ; banisment ; first hospitals established
# Contributions
( + ) Establishment of first hospitals
( - ) Movement back to irrational explanation and harsh treatment of
mentally ill

# Principal theories of causation
Sorcery, witchcraft and naturalistic explanation of sickness
# Characteristic methods of helping
Harsh psycal punishment ; death ; rebirth of humane attitude ; clinical
observation and description
# Contributions
( + ) Forerunner of modern clinical descriftion
( - ) Ruthless persecution of the mentally ill

e. 17th AND 18th CENTURIES
# Principal theories of causation
Irrationality and social deviance
# Characteristic methods of helping
Isolation and inhumane physical treatment
# Contributions
( - ) Isolation and harsh physical treatment

# Principal theories of causation
Sickness ; mental illness
# Characteristic methods of helping
Humane treatment ; discovery of animal magnetism and hypnosis impertus
for psychotherapy
# Contributions
( + ) Pinel “breaking the chains”. Changes in the mental hospitals, less
barbatic treatment

# Principal theories of causation
Intrapsychic, usually unconscious conflict
# Characteristic methods of helping
Emergence of psychotherapy ; analysis and interpretation of free
associations, dreams and other behaviors
# Contributions
( + ) Recognition of importance of motivation and early childhood
( - ) Overemphasis on past and unconscious factors as compared with
interpersonal and social factors

h. MID – 20th CENTURY
# Principal theories of causation
Conflicts between individuals ; family, community and social forces
# Characteristic methods of helping
Marital, family, and community intervention designed to deal with problems
of interactions between and among people
# Contributions
( + ) Recognition of importance of interaction among individual, family and
( - ) Interpersonal – social approach can ignore biological and other
individual factors

i. 1970 – 1990s
# Principal theories of causation
Neurobiochemical abnormalities in combination with psychological factors
# Characteristic methods of helping
Chemical therapies
# Contributions
( + ) Discovery or neurobiological factors influencing mental diseases ;
proliferation of never biochemical therapies effective in treating mental
( - ) Overemphasis on view that “it all comes down to chemistry”

Florence Nightingale (1859) : suffering of modern nursing & first nursing text author, Notes on Nursing
Harriet Baily (1920) : wrote a textbook of the first psychiatric nursing, Nursing in Mental Diseases
Hildegarde Peplau (1952) : writing Interpersonal Relations in Nursing


1. National League for Nursing (NLN), 1937. NLN recommends virginity soul
entered the nursing school curriculum

2. American Nurses Association (ANA), 1958. ANA to form Conference Group on
Psychiatric Nursing. This group worked to define the soul of nursing. In 1873,
ANA published the first organisation standard mental health practice and
psychiatric nursing

Before the ad RS soul in Indonesia, the tamping mental disorders in the civil hospital in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya. In 1862 the Dutch Government held a census of people with mental disorders in Java and Madura. On July 1, 1882, in the first wake Psychiatric Hospital in Bogor, kemuSabang 1927.
Dutch East Indies government recognize 4 types of psychiatric patient care facilities are:
Psychiatric Hospital (kranzinnigengestichten)
In Bogor, Lawang and Sabang kept full, resulting in accumulation of patients in the hospital temporarily, place in police custody. Then constructed "annexinrichtingen" in existing asylum as in Semplak (Bogor) in 1931 and Pasuruan in 1932.
While RS (Doorgangshuizen)
Temporary shelters for the acute pasienpsikotik, sent home after recovery, which needs a long treatment sent to the Psychiatric Hospital which was established in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya, Makassar, Palembang, Bali, Padang, Banjarmasin, Manado and Medan.
Care homes (Veerplegtehuiizen)
Serves as a Psychiatric Hospital, but headed by a registered nurse under the supervision of a GP
The relocation of psychiatric patients had calmed down, patients can work in agriculture and the population living at home, given the host boarding money and still be under the supervision

In October 1947 the Government of Indonesia established Mental Illness Affairs Bureau, because there are physical revolution will not be able to work well. In 1950 the Government of Indonesia assigned to conduct mental health promotion in Indonesia. 1958 as Mental Illness Affairs, in 1960 became part of mental health and in 1966 became the Directorate of Mental Health.
Method of treatment the patient has many mental disorders begin in progress:
During the years 1940 - 1990 occurred the various movements of mental health changes, including:
In 1946, the launch of the Mental Health Act. Establishment of a national pharmaceutical institute of mental health that supports research on intervention, psychiatric diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders.
In 1961, the commission president and mental health. Changes that occur legislative support for education for mental health professional staff including nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists.
In 1963, the launch of the law on community spirit kesehatn center. Deinstitusionalisasi happened clients with chronic mental illness moved from hospital to community rehabilitation navel.
Year 1970 - 1980, the emergence of interest in aspects of biology and neurobiology of mental disorders and treatment. Changes that occur the emergence of third-generation psychotropic drugs increased the popularity of biological therapy.
In 1990, the brain decade. Ie change the neurobiology and development of technology, and identification of research - research of innovative diagnostic skizoprenia and especially for mood disorder
1990 year beginning of this century - there is a change on 20 economic and social reform health care. Changes that occur:
# Increasing the number of homeless
# Lack of legislative funding for primary prevention, secondary and tertiary
# The global AIDS epidemic
# Need for provision of health services systematic
# Development of high risk mental disorders in pregnant women
# Violence on women, children - children of parents and patients the drugs

Stuart & Sundeen. 1995. Principles & Practice of Psychiatric Nursing, fifth edition. Clarinda Company : The US of America

Noreen Cavan Frisch & Lawrence E. Frisch. 2006. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, third edition. Thomson Delmar Learning : Canada

Isaacs, Ann, RN, CS, MSN. 2001. Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa & Psikitrik Edisi 3. Jakarta EGC


Address : Jl. Sumedang Bandung Raya KM 21, Jatinangor 45363
Phone : (022) 7795596
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Mamat Lukman, S.KM., S.Kp., M.Sc.
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Faculty of Nursing was established by Decree No. Rector. 1020/J06/Kep/2005 dated June 8, 2005. This faculty is the development of Nursing Studies Program at the Faculty of Medicine.

Become an institution of higher education in nursing as a center of the science and profession of nursing who are able to compete in Southeast Asia with excellent critical nursing and community nursing.

1. Education professionally managed. Effective, efficient, and transparent and to produce graduates with high capacity as a scientist who can compete globally, ethical, and grounded in law and environmental perspective.
2. Developing scientific research for the development of science in nursing and national nursing technology.
3. Organizing services to the community by developing a professional nursing service system integrated in the community.
4. Developing standards of professional nursing along with professional organizations and related institutions.
5. Develop a professional nursing service in accordance with the cultural values of society.
6. Work together nationally and regionally in the areas of nursing include education, research, and community services.

Education programs are held:
1. Nursing Undergraduate
2. Ners Professional Program
3. Master (S2) Nursing Program (City Organization of the Directorate General of Higher Education Nomor.1520/D/T/2009 dated August 28, 2009) with specialization in Critical Nursing and Community Nursing.
until 2008/2009, the Faculty of Nursing graduates Unpad has produced as many as 2537 people consisting of the 1162 undergraduate and professional programs of 1375. There are 52 tenured men in the Faculty of Nursing Unpad. Of all tenured staff, who are continuing a study of 19 people.
S3 Domestic: 2 people, Foreign Affairs: 6 people

S2 Domestic: 8 people, Foreign Affairs: 3 people
Who will graduate doctoral program (S3) this year as many as 2 people